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Last chance to register for PACE Multisport Dodge City X

If you’re thinking about signing up for the Comox Valley’s first off-road triathlon, you’d better act fast. Registration for PACE Multisport Dodge City X, to be held Sunday, September 9 in Cumberland, closes September 6. The race features a 1.5-km swim in Comox Lake, a 23-km mountain…

Steam Donkey Racing’s Air Quality Policy

It seems like the smoky days in Cumberland have come and gone, and we hope they stay that way. In fact, our meteorological soothsayers are telling us that everything is moving in the right direction for PACE Multisport Dodge City…

DCX Virtual Merch Tent is now open!

If you’re as excited about PACE Multisport Dodge City X as we are, you’ll want to share your passion by taking home some kick-ass DCX swag! Like a custom cycling jersey, bib shorts or a super-slick trucker cap designed by…

Yes . . . there will be donuts!

The question I’ve been asked most often (other than “What’s the bike course going to be?“) is this: Will there be Cumberland donuts? I’m happy to say that the answer is a resounding YES. Cumberland Village Bakery has graciously agreed…