You won’t believe who’s racing Dodge City X

OK, it’s time to spill the beans.
We’ve been teasing you for a while that someone pretty fantastic is going to be racing PACE Multisport Dodge City X in Cumberland September 9, and we weren’t kidding. Finally, with the publicity embargo lifted, we can tell you who it is.
Are you ready?
Henri Faberge. You heard that right. Henri. Faberge. The man, the legend, the blowhard. In the flesh. Right here in Cumberland.
Obviously, you’ll want to be part of this event, if only to be able to tell your kids that for one magical day you breathed the same air as Henri Faberge. But don’t worry – he assures us he’ll also be signing autographs after the race as well, and he’s planned a press conference to fill in the world on all that he’s been up to since his last public appearance.
Without a doubt, we’re all in for a treat. But don’t take our word for it. See for yourself: