Brand new swim course for DCX 2023!

Brand new for 2023, the Comox Physiotherapy Clinic Swim Course of Frontrunners Fit Chiropractic Dodge City X will feature a wet start beyond the booms and a return to shore through the new “jellybean exit” that Steam Donkey Racing had installed with our friends at Snow 2 Surf and MOMAR.
Standard and Relay participants will do one long clockwise lap (1,500 m total), while Sprint athletes will do one shorter clockwise lap (750 m total).
Upon exiting the lake, athletes will follow the carpet into BodyNetix T1, located in the westernmost parking lot at Lake Park.
Thanks to all the support fo Cumberland Lake Park Society for facilitating the new jellybean exit, which has allowed us to start out past the booms and avoid the challenges posed last year by very low water levels.
For full details on our 2023 courses, visit either our Standard page or our Sprint page.