An update on DCX 2021

I figured it was about time I gave you an update on where we’re at with planning for PACE Multisport Dodge City X 2021.
First, the good news: we have the race slated for Sunday, September 19 in Cumberland. Now the bad news . . .
As you may have guessed, we have no idea whether we’ll be able to put an event on or not. This pandemic is getting real old real fast, and it looks like it’s not quite done with us yet. We’d originally anticipated opening registration on May 1, but we’re holding off until we have a clearer idea of the feasibility of a 2021 event. Our organizing team has pushed back any decision until June 1, at which point we’ll re-evaluate the situation. If we don’t end up hosting a race, all registrations will be once again deferred to 2022. Unfortunately we are not in a position to issue any refunds.
One option we’re considering in the event that we can’t host a race is a quasi-virtual event, in which participants would have a window of time to complete a marked course on their own. We’re investigating that option as we speak and hope to have it as a backup.
I promise to keep you in the loop as things develop. Until then, stay safe.
Ryan Parton,
Race Director
Steam Donkey Racing