2021 Thomas Dargie IG Wealth Management Run Course revealed!

The Thomas Dargie Investors Group Run Course has been revealed for both the Sprint Course and the Standard Course (Relay participants will use the Standard course). Interactive TrailForks maps, complete with detailed trail information, can be viewed on the appropriate “race info” page: Sprint or Standard. If you prefer a text description, read on . . .
Note that the first loop of the Standard run, and the entire Sprint run course, is the same as it has been in past years. We’ve added a new second loop this year for Standard and Relay participants, because you’ve told us that a 100% unique course is more awesome than two laps.
Like the Cumberland trails and want to support more trail development and continued access? We highly recommend that you show your support and purchase a $30 annual United Riders of Cumberland membership. As the organization that supports trail development and access in the Cumberland area, they’ve got our backs whether we’re bikers or runners – or both!
View an interactive TrailForks map: Standard/Relay Course Sprint Course
Note: The Sprint course only completes “Loop 1.” Standard and Relay participants complete both loops.
Loop 1:
Start: Extreme Runners Transition Area at Village Park (“Race Central”)
- Exit the park via the path behind the Coal Hills BMX track and enter the trail network via the narrow bridge just after the interpretive sign
- Just after the bridge, turn right onto Josh’s Trail
- After a few hundred metres, turn left off of Josh’s toward the logging road (I believe it’s the second “exit” you’ll come to on Josh’s)
- Cross the logging road and head straight up Rapture Access
- At the trail intersection, hang a right onto Rapture
- Keep following Rapture, being careful not to veer left onto Ascension or right onto Resurrection. (It can get a bit confusing if you’re unfamiliar with the trails. . .)
- Keep following Rapture all the way up to the Rapture Chair (you’ll know it when you see it.)
- At the Rapture Chair, turn left onto 50:1
- Follow 50:1 all the way until it spits out onto the minor logging road, then turn right
- Follow the minor logging road about 200m, then turn left to continue on 50:1 (there is a small sign)
- Follow 50:1 for a few hundred metres, then turn right onto Rapture just before the steep sketchy bit. I don’t recall if there’s a sign here, but it will be the first trail on your right.
- When that trail rejoins 50:1 after about 100 metres, turn right back onto 50:1
- Continue down 50:1 to the Davis Lake Main logging road.
- Turn right on David Lake Main. If you’re doing the Sprint Course, turn left at the intersection (about 100m from 50:1), cross the bridge and return to Village Park for the finish. If you’re doing the Standard/Relay course, proceed to loop 2.
Loop 2 (Standard/Relay only):
- Just after the intersection leading back to the finish, turn right onto Iron Curtain
- Climb Iron Curtain all the way to the top, making sure to not go astray at the intersection with Rapture
- At the top of Iron Curtain, turn left onto the minor logging road
- Turn left onto Cottonwood Climb
- After just a couple hundred metres, turn right onto Rapture
- Follow Rapture all the way to Two Shoes, then turn left onto Two Shoes
- Descend Two Shoes all the way to the bottom
- At the bottom of Two Shoes, cross the logging road straight ahead onto Munday’s Child
- Descend Munday’s Child (it’s more of a double-wide trail at this point), making sure to stay to the left where it meets the extension of Tunnel Canary (as it’s called on TrailForks)
- Soon after Munday’s Child curves to the left near the Trent River Main, turn left onto Wednesday’s Child
- Climb Wednesday’s Child until just before it spits out on teh logging road, then turn right onto Friday’s Child
- Follow Thursday’s Child all the way to Munday’s Child (it becomes “Friday’s Child” toward the end, then turn left on Munday’s Child
- Take Munday’s Child to the end, then turn right and cross back over the bridge behind the BMX track
- Run triumphantly into Village Park — you made it!
- Go grab a treat Cumberland Brewing Company. You earned it!