2021 Dodge City Cycles Bike Course revealed!

We’ve alluded to a new, exciting, and 100% non-looping Dodge City Cycles Bike Course for 2021, and now we’re ready to show it to you. If you’re competing in PACE Multisport Dodge City X 2021, you’re in for a treat . . . and maybe just a tough of suffering!
To view an interactive Trailforks map of the course, visit the appropriate race info page: Sprint Course or Standard Course (Relay participants will use the Standard course). You’ll find detailed trail information, elevation profiles and more. For a turn-by-turn text description, read on . . .
Note that these routes are subject to change. We highly recommend that you pre-ride the Dodge City Cycles Bike Course if you have the chance. Please note, however, that the course will be unmarked until race day, and that you’ll be riding at your own risk.
Like the Cumberland trails and want to support more trail development and continued access? We also highly recommend that you show your support and purchase a $30 annual United Riders of Cumberland membership.
Dodge City Cycles Bike Course description
View interactive TrailForks map: Standard/Relay Course Sprint Course
Note: The following describes the Standard Course. For the Sprint course, just eliminate the entire “Upper Loop.” Sprint athletes will turn left at the top of Buggered Pig instead of right, and then pick the description back up with the “End” section.
- Start: Extreme Runners Transition Area at Comox Lake
- Follow the highway for just over one km, then duck into the trails. You’ll never see another road open to traffic on this route!
- An unnamed access trail will take you to the trailhead for Coal Creek Trail (AKA China Creek Trail). Don’t forget the quick left then right midway to stay on the access trail!
- Follow Coal Creek Trail past the bottom of DCDH, over the walking bridge and down into the Chinese Heritage Site (near the disc golf course and Jumbo’s Cabin)
- Hang a right just before the gate, ride over the boardwalk and climb the access trail toward the top of Mama Bear. Relish the fact that FINALLY you can start climbing!
- After the short steep climb, hang left toward Mama Bear, and then follow the access trail (the one you’re on) all the way to Davis Lake Main logging road.
- Turn right, and then turn right again after about 200 metres into Two and a Juice
- At the end of Two and a Juice, turn left onto the Buggered Pig Climb
- Climb Buggered Pig all the way to the end at Davis Lake Main, then turn right over the bridge. (If you’re doing the sprint, you’ll turn left here.)
Sprint athletes only:
- After turning left onto Davis Lake Main, follow the road around the curve and then turn right onto the 50:1 Access Road
- Turn right again not far after onto the Entrails Access road.
- Turn left onto Entrails, and then skip ahead to the “End” section below, where you’ll rejoin Standard course athletes.
Upper Loop (Standard Only):
- Not far after the bridge, turn left toward Sobo No Michi (the Climbing Trail), the stay right when you get to the end of Broadway to stay on Sobo No Michi.
- Climb, climb, climb!!
- Stay on Sobo No Michi (the Climbing Trail) all the way to the top. There will be several times where you cross small roads, but just keep going straight. At one point you’ll pass a large map sign and head downhill for a short stretch, then you’ll cross Sykes Bridge. Just after Sykes Bridge stay right to remain on Sobo No Michi.
- At the top of Sobo No Michi (you’ll know because there’s a bench and a great view), continue straight on the rough rocky road all the way to the gate at Trent River Main (logging road).
- Turn left on Trent River Main and cruise downhill for approximately 1 km.
- Turn left onto Climax. This is going to be the most technical section of the course. Don’t worry — it’s not too long!
- Grind through Climax until you get to Field of Dreams on your right. Turn right onto Field of Dreams.
- Scream with joy as you cruise down Field of Dreams. Be aware that there are lots of little jumps, all of which have ride-arounds. Ride in control! Also be aware of the small road crossings and ensure you look both ways.
- Continue straight onto Upper Blue Collar, and then straight again onto Lower Blue Collar. Again, be aware of road/trail crossings.
- After the bridge and the short, steep climb, keep left to stay on Blue Collar (Strava users know this part as “Better than the Road”)
- Turn left at the end onto Allan Lake Main and continue downhill to Trestle.
- Turn right onto Trestle
- At the fork in the trail (there’s a “railroad crossing” sign nearby), turn left (sharp downhill turn) and then hang right to head toward Sunset Strip.
- Take Sunset Strip. Keep right at the intersection mid-trail.
- At the end of Sunset strip, go more or less straight ahead across the access trail and onto Entrails.
- Hang right at the intersection with Shaker to stay on Entrails.
- Cross the Entrails Access road to continue on Entrails.
Sprint athletes rejoin the course here:
- After about 150 metres of Entrails, turn right onto Rugburn.
- Follow Rugburn until just after the second bridge, then turn left onto Scat. Mind the steep.
- Take Scat all the way to where it ends at a small logging road (50:1 Access Road), then turn right.
- Turn left onto Brat and take Brat all the way to the end at Davis Lake Main
- Turn left at the bottom of the trail onto Davis Lake Main, then cross the Soggy Biscuit Climb straight onto Black Hole.
- After a small bridge, turn left onto No Hole.
- At the intersection with Kitty Little, turn right to stay on No Hole
- Cross Black Hole and continue straight onto Space Nugget.
- At the bottom of Space Nugget, go straight across the logging road (Davis Lake Main), through the concrete blocks and over the bridge onto Colliery Line.
- Follow Colliery Line past the pump track and dog park all the way into Village Park. This will be Race Central and Extreme Runners T2!
- Go to Cumberland Brewing Company for a treat, because you’ve earned it!