Meet the athlete-practitioners of Fit Chiropractic

We’re taking a few moments to introduce you to our two new co-title sponsors, without whom Frontrunners Fit Chiropractic Dodge City X wouldn’t be possible. Today we’re looking at Fit Chiropractic.
Meet Dr. Vinge & Fit Chiropractic
Many of you in the Comox Valley will already be familiar with Fit Chiropractic and its owner, Dr. Derek Vinge. He’s been our events Swim Sponsor since our inaugural race in 2018, and he’s even won the Standard race a few times. He’s a super nice guy, he’s a great athlete, and he and his team are wizards when it comes to fixing what ail’s ya.
Located in a restored church in the heart of downtown Courtenay, Fit Chiropractic offers a range of services that will help you perform your best, such as chiropractic care, registered massage therapy, custom orthotics, low-level laser therapy, active release technique and Graston and instrument-assisted soft tissue therapy. I’ve personally used their services on a number of occasions, and no matter which practitioner I see, I always get a thorough assessment and an expert treatment that gets me up and running on the road to recovery.
These folks know sport—and sports injuries
It’s always comforting being treated for your sports-related injuries by practitioners who are themselves athletes and who understand our lifestyle and needs. Dr. Derek competed with the UBC track team, was a member of the national rowing team, and currently participates in a variety of trail runs and of-road triathlons. Likewise, his colleagues at Fit are also avid athletes (Dr. Simon Conde and RMT Katy Lucas have both competed at Dodge City X, and Dr. Caeden Chau competed in a variety of competitive team sports).
You’ll definitely see a few of them at Frontrunner Fit Chiropractic Dodge City X this year (including office manager and fellow Steam Donkey Heather Skuja) so when you do, say hi and thank them for their support of local endurance events. One thing I don’t necessarily recommend, however, is trying to keep up with them on the trails . . .
If you’ve got something that’s keeping you from enjoying your active lifestyle as much as you used to, whether it’s a niggling tingle or full-blown chronic pain, do yourself a favour and give them a visit. You can book an appointment online at or call them at 250.871.3674.