DCX 2020 has been cancelled

Well, the day has come. I and my fellow directors of Steam Donkey Racing have had to make the sad, but not entirely unexpected, decision to cancel PACE Multisport Dodge City X 2020.
Although we had a plan in place that would have allowed us to put on a race, our athletes let us know loud and clear that they’d rather we put on no race at all than cobble together a half-ass event.
Because we had enough time to know that cancellation was a possibility, we’ve managed our spending and are able to offer all of our registered athletes full discounts.
We have confirmed with Triathlon BC that any day-of TriBC insurance you may have purchased with your registration will also be refunded, although we’re just working out the details of the best way to go about this technologically. If you were registered to race with us on September 13, expect to hear from me later this month with details.
If you are an annual Triathlon BC member, I’ve been told that you will be offered a discounted 2021 membership.
We’re sorry that it had to come to this, but we believe it was the appropriate decision to make under the circumstances. We look forward to seeing you in 2021.
Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay active!
Ryan Parton, Race Director
Steam Donkey Racing