Call for volunteers: PACE Multisport Dodge City X 2019

An event as ambitious as PACE Multisport Dodge City X couldn’t happen without a whole smackdown of support from a team of volunteers. With that in mind, we’re hoping you’ll consider being one of them!
If you’re not competing on September 7, we hope you’ll consider volunteering to help make this event a success.
Volunteer roles we need filled:
- Course Marshals — Bike, Run and Swim (if you have a kayak or SUP)
- Aid Station Attendants
- First Aid Attendants
- Set-Up and Take-Down
- And more!!
For descriptions of the various roles available, and to register as a volunteer, CLICK HERE or use the VOLUNTEER link above.
Once there, you’ll enter your desired role and contact info and you’ll be off to the races. Actually literally in this case. As a volunteer, you’ll receive a special limited edition gift from Steam Donkey Racing and Cumberland Brewing Company, food on event day, an opportunity to win some volunteer-only door prizes and, of course, all sorts of warm fuzzies from being part of this community-driven initiative.
Click here to register as a volunteer
Thanks for your support!