An open letter to Cumberland trail users re: paint markings

Many of you have noticed the orange painted markings left on trees, bridges and concrete blocks after Dodge City X on September 9. We wanted to let you know that these markings have now been removed, and I also wanted to explain how this happened.
Let me assure you that marking our route with paint was never our intention or part of our plan. One of our volunteers took it upon themselves to mark part of the route with paint. We were assured that it was a water-based paint that would be gone “after a couple of good rainfalls,” and so we waited a few weeks after the event to let nature take its course.
As you know, this didn’t happen. I actually felt sick when I went out for a ride about a week ago and saw that the markings were still clearly visible. That’s why, yesterday, I went out on the trails and removed all the markings. You shouldn’t see any more out there, but if you do, please let me know and I’ll make sure we take care of it.
We love the trails and the forest, and most of our volunteers are also avid trail users. Marking our route with paint should never have happened, and it certainly won’t happen in the future with any Steam Donkey Racing events.
Thanks for understanding, and sorry for the misstep.
Ryan Parton,
Steam Donkey Racing